Social Responsibility


BE Group’s ambition is to create a stimulating and healthy work environment for employees and all workplaces within BE Group to be safe and pleasant and free from harassment and discrimination. The employees are our most valuable asset and a prerequisite for the Company to perform well.

BE Group’s corporate culture is based on what is defined as the Group’s core values. These values shall permeate the entire organization and create security and understanding, provide guidance in how we should relate to one another and to our surroundings, and form the basis for clear communication, both internally and externally. BE Group has focused on three key words for this work and they are dynamic, transparent and sustainable.


DSC7360_470x310.jpgSAFETY FIRST

Health and safety is a highly prioritized area at our workplaces and there is a policy with a zero vision regarding workplace accidents called Safety First. The basic idea is that all accidents can be prevented and safety must come first at all times. The units are working locally to assess and address risks in the operations and to prevent accidents. Steering documents are in place and regular follow-ups, workplace meetings and training sessions are carried out. Each accident and incident are reported, evaluated, rectified and followed up.



BE Group is an important player and employer in the locations where the company operates and strives to be an active part of the community around the units. This is achieved through various activities such as sponsorship of local sports clubs, internships and summer jobs and working together on degree projects.


Corruption occurs when individuals abuse their power or position for personal gain. This is not just illegal but can have serious consequences for the company and society at large. BE Group applies sound business principles and works to combat all forms of corruption. An anti-corruption policy has been developed in which it is established that the company’s employees are not to pay, offer or accept bribes or other wrongful advantages, such as gifts or representation that are considered extravagant, with the purpose of influencing business decisions or securing undue benefits. In addition, BE Group shall not work with suppliers, sellers or partners that offer bribes or are involved in corrupt activities.


Respect for human rights is an important factor in achieving the UN’s sustainable development goals. Internally, the company’s Code of Conduct governs the rights of its employees, such as the right to be represented by a trade union in negotiations, reasonable terms of employment and pay, a workplace free of discrimination and harassment and zero tolerance of child labor.

With a geographically spread supplier base, transparency can be limited and there is a risk that BE Group will involuntarily contribute to human rights violations. The company’s Code of Conduct for Suppliers addresses its minimum requirements and ambitions in areas such as human rights, health and safety, discrimination, working conditions, child labor, corruption and environmental liability issues. Follow-up is conducted via the whistleblower function where employees are able to report serious irregularities within the Group.

  • Vision & core values

    BE Group has a strong corporate culture and our core values address how we act towards one another as employees and other with whom we come in contact with.

  • Organization

    BE Group has been one of the leading players in Sweden and Finland for many years and these are the company's main markets. Read more to get a better insight into where we are and how our organization is structured.

  • Sustainability

    BE Group has commenced a mapping of the company’s operations and impact on the surrounding world. A major part of the work is also looking at the opportunities that exist and how BE Group can help promote a more sustainable steel industry.