Our goal is to be the best in the markets in which we are active. Our business idea not only includes us being a leading player in terms of buying, selling and processing steel, we also seek to be a professional partner to our customers. We should be a support in their development, help them identify both strengths and weaknesses and be able to offer the best solution in terms of availability, expertise and delivery accuracy. We shall be leaders in terms of sales and customer experience. With a focus on profitability and the customer’s best interests, we will work as a team to achieve the goals we have set.


BE Group shall be the most professional, successful and respected steel service company in our markets.


BE Group is an independent efficient distributor of steel, stainless steel, aluminium and value adding services to Nordic manufacturing and construction companies.


Well-prepared and well-established values are a prerequisite for development and success. The Company’s values should pervade the entire organization, everything that is said and done, and all of the decisions that are made. They are the framework that holds the different parts of the business together, and that welds together and points out the common direction for the entire staff. The values create security and understanding, give guidance in how we should relate to one another and to our surroundings, and they form the basis for clear communication, both internally and externally. These are Dynamic, Transparent and Sustainable.


In a pressured and very competitive industry, it is important to be able to quickly transition and adapt to the market’s needs and wishes. It is about being flexible, innovative and able to act. This demands a stable foundation to work from and this is exactly what we have invested a great deal in in recent years. Dynamic means that we must be attentive and curious at the same time that we never hesitate to question “old” truths when necessary. Together with our business partners, we will continuously seek new methods and opportunities that can contribute to developing both our own and our customers’ offerings.




A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Therefore, we are convinced that when we collaborate and share our knowledge and experience with each other, we also create the best conceivable conditions for development and improvement. Through collaboration, we learn from each other, we identify the areas that can be improved and together we find solutions to any questions and problems that arise along the way. For us, transparency is about setting clear goals and having a shared view of expectations and performance. From experience, we know that openness, honesty and clarity win in the long term.


Of the key words that form the basis of BE Group’s values, sustainable is probably the most important since it should pervade everything we do and all of the decisions we make – both in the short and long term. Sustainability is the foundation so that we will continue to be a successful company in the long term. This partly involves minimizing our impact on the environment and climate and partly involves acting responsibly and respectfully in relation to both employees and our external partners. But sustainability is also about being profitable, making wise investments and securing the business in the long term.