Environment and climate


BE Group works proactively to minimize the environmental impact of its operations. Environmental issues are an integrated part of the operations and the units work locally with the environmental issues linked to the operations and focus is on continuously improving their facilities’ energy consumption, emissions and waste management. All operations are certified in accordance with the international environmental standard ISO 14001. 


In recent years, the company has implemented a number of measures to reduce its operations’ energy dependency and to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Prioritized environmental areas for the Group are:

One of BE Group’s major challenges is the optimization of transports as nearly half of all transports are made by road. The units work locally with this since the conditions vary between the different countries. They actively work to find transport companies that have a explicit and deliberate sustainability and environmental focus. The units in Sweden and Finland account for the majority of transports and, together with the transport companies, gather detailed data for current fuel consumption to gain greater knowledge of the emissions and how the company can influence them from an environmental perspective. 

Energy consumption
Carbon dioxide emissions from in-house operations are reduced through greater use of fossil-free energy carriers, such as electricity, biogas and district heating, and by the streamlining of energy consumption. Energy consumption is affected by the delivery volumes and it is primarily production activities (material processing and service), which are energy intensive.

Emissions from own operations
BE Group’s own operations cause only limited emissions. Emissions primarily originate from the production units in Norrköping and Turku where operations such as painting and blasting are carried out. The filtration of solvents (VOCs) from painting facilities and dust from blasting and cutting equipment is efficient and is continuously followed up.

Waste management
Residual materials in BE Group’s operations are principally metals, wood and cardboard. These are sorted and recycled to the greatest possible extent. Steel production is a heavy and energy-intensive industry, but at the same time, the life expectancy of steel structures is long and the recycling rate is high compared with many other materials.