

At the Annual General Meeting held on April 18, 2024, the registered accounting firm Ernst & Young AB was new elected with the Authorized Public Accountant Peter Gunnarsson as auditor in charge for the period extending to the 2025 Annual General Meeting.

The auditor has regular contact with the Chairman of the Board, the Nomination Committee and Group management. The Company's auditor shall review the annual report, the company's accounts and the administration of the Board and the President. Following each fiscal year, an auditors' report shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting by the auditor.

The internal control is ensured through a good control environment in BE Group's organization. The control environment comprises the operation's processes, an appropriate set of rules and regulations and control and review procedures. BE Group has a simple organizational structure with a clear division of roles. Decision channels, powers and responsibilities are defined through internal terms of reference, regulations and policies established by the Board.